(who, whom, whose, what, which, when, where, how,还包括whether)
Who to turn to is what she wants to know. 找谁帮忙是她想知道的。
It’s problem what to do. 干什么还是个问题。
How to be wealthy, healthy and happy will always remain a question mark. 怎样才能富有,健康和幸福将永远是个问号。
The question is which to take first. 问题是先拿哪一个。
What remains for you to explain is how to put the plan into practice and whose help to seek. 剩下需要你解释的是怎样实施计划以及寻求谁的帮助。
The question is which of the methods to adopt. 问题是采取这些方法中的哪一个。
3.作宾语,常用这一结构作宾语的动词有ask, consider, decide discuss, explain, forget, find out, guess, inquire, know, learn, remember, see(=understand), show, settle(=decide), tell(=know), think, understand, wonder等。
I’ve found out where to buy them cheaply. 我发现了在哪里买这些东西便宜。
Do you remember when totch off the machine? 你记得什么时候关掉机器吗?
I can’t tell what to do . 我说不好怎么办。
How can you tell which button to press? 你怎么知道按哪个按钮?
You know very well when to say what and how to say it. 你很清楚什么时候说什么话以及怎样说。
He can’t decide what time to leave or whether to leave at all.他不能决定何时离开或者到底是否离开。
有些双宾语及物动词,也可用这个结构做直接宾语。常用的有tell, inform, show, advise, ask, teach,等。如:
I showed her how to use the remote control. 我向她演示怎样使用遥控器。
The salesman told him whichtch to turn on first. 售货员告诉他先开哪个开关。
Will you advise me which to buy? 你建议我买哪个?
Please inform me where to get the tickets. 请告诉我到哪里去弄票。
I must find a pen with which to fill in this form(=to fill in this form with). 我必须找支钢笔填表用。
He offered me some hot coffee with which to refresh me spirit (=to refresh me spirit with). 他给我提供了点热咖啡提提神。
Nobel began to seek ways in which to make the explosive safer to handle.诺贝尔开始寻找那种炸药操作起来更安全的方法。