2019考研:英语语法解析之形容词 2

2018/5/30 10:03:05 来源: 本站





  the poor (穷人)

  the blind (盲人)

  the deaf (聋子)

  the few/the many (少数人/多数人)

  the dying (奄奄一息的人)

  the killed (死了的人)

  the oppressed (被压迫的人们)

  the aged,the weak,the sick and the disabled (老弱病残)

  the living (活着的人)

  例句: The old are cared well in a home for the poor and aged.

  译文: 老人在养老院里得到了很好的照料。

  例句: The poor are very happy, but the rich are sad.

  译文: 穷人很快乐,富人却不快乐。

  少数词接单数动词,如: the departed/the deceased (死者), the beautiful (美好的事物), the unexpected (意外情况)。

  例句: The deceased has been sent to the funeral parlor.

  译文: 死者已经被送往殡仪馆。



  threeyearold child (三岁的孩子)

  sixstoried building (六层的楼房)

  oneeyed donkey (一只眼的驴)

  其他如: prep. /adj. /n. /adv.+p.p.(分词)

  offputting (令人讨厌的)

  nitpicking (找茬的,吹毛求疵的)

  freeliving (生活无拘束的)

  hardwearing (耐穿的)

  starcrossed (命运不佳的,倒霉的)

  tenderhearted (心肠软的,慈善的)

  wellintentioned (善意的,好心的)

  例句: People who live in small towns often seem more friendly than those living in densely populated areas. (1999年第27题)

  分析: 该句是复合句,其中those living...相当于those who live in...。


  例句: In this way these insects show an efficient use of their soundproducing ability, organizing two sounds delivered at a high rate as one call. (1997年第16题)

  分析: 该句是简单句,organizing two sounds delivered...作伴随状语。




  only, mere, sole, extreme, supreme, perfect, single, real, utmost, eternal, principal, chief, main, empty, matchless, unique, wonderful, square等。

  例句: My favorite radio song is the one I first heard on a thick 1923 Edison disc I stumbled upon at a garage sale. (2001年第22题)

  分析: 该句是复合句,I first heard on a thick 1923 Edison disc与I stumbled upon at a garage sale是两个定语从句,分别修饰the one和Edison disc。





  例句: Critics also argue that commercial genetic testing is only as good as the reference collections to which a sample is compared. (选自2009年Text 2)

  分析: 该句是复合句,that commercial genetic testing...作argue的宾语,to which a sample is compared是一个修饰the reference collections的定语从句。


  例句: Scientists generally agree that the Earths climate will warm up over the next 50 to 100 years as much as it has warmed in the 2,000 years since the Ice Age.

  分析: 该句是复合句,that the Earths...Ice Age 作 agree的宾语从句。

  译文:科学家们普遍认为,地球气候未来50年到100年的时间里会变暖,变暖的程度与自冰河世纪以来的2 000年的时间里变暖的程度一样。




  例句: Its a message even more bitter than a clove cigarette, yet, somehow, a breath of fresh air. (选自2006年Text 4)

  分析: 该句是简单句,even more bitter than...修饰a message。


  例句: These recordings are cheap, available everywhere, and very often much higher in artistic quality than todays live performances; moreover, they can be “consumed” at a time and place of the listeners choosing. (选自2011年Text 1)




  形式为:...not so (as)+原级+as...=less+原级+ than

  例句: According to several studies concluding that parents are less happy than childless couples, single parents are the least happy of all. (选自2011年Text 4)

  分析:该句是简单句,其中,分词短语concluding that parents are less happy than childless couples作后置定语,修饰studies,从句that parents are less happy than childless couples又充当concluding的宾语。

  译文: 结论为 “为人父母者不如无子女者幸福”的多项研究表明,单亲父母最不幸福。

  例句: Their lives are no less empty than those of their subordinates.


  译文: 他们的生活同其下属一样空虚。


  1. 优等比较。

  形式为: the+最高级+单数名词或one +of (in短语)/that从句(仅限于形容词)。

  例句: It soon becomes clear that the interior designers most important basic concern is the function of the particular space.

  分析:该句是复合句,其中it为形式主语,真正的主语为that the interior designers most important...。


  例句: I believe that the most important forces behind the massive M&A wave are the same that underlie the globalization process: falling transportation and communication costs, lower trade and investment barriers and enlarged markets that require enlarged operations capable of meeting customers demands. (选自2001年Text 4)

  分析: 该句是复合句,主干部分为I believe that..., that require enlarged...demands是修饰falling transportation...and enlarged markets的定语从句,形容词短语capable of meeting customers demands修饰operations,其中be the same that...意为“……与……是相同的”。


  2. 劣等比较。

  形式为: the+least+原级+(单数名词或one)+of(in短语)/that从句(仅限于形容词)。

  例句: In class, she is the least talented girl in mastering foreign language that I have ever taught.

  分析: 该句是复合句,that I have ever taught是修饰girl的定语从句。


  3. 比较级表示最高级含义。

  形式为: 比较级+ than any other+单数名词。

  例句: The campus of this university is much more beautiful than any other campus.

  译文: 这所大学的校园是最漂亮的。

  4. 最高级形容词前加定冠词the,但作表语不和他人或物作比较时,可省去the。

  例句: I have been busiest these days for writing papers.

  译文: 写论文的这些天是我最忙的时间。



  Are your jobs more important than Jack?

  (说法错误。你的工作不能和Jack比较;应该是和Jack的工作相比较,因此该句正确的说法为: Are your jobs more important than Jacks?)

  The climate of Shanxi Province is much better than Henan Province.

  (说法错误。山西的气候不能和河南省比较;应该是和河南省的气候相比较,因此该句正确的说法为: The climate of Shanxi Province is much better than that of Henan Province. )

  例句: Meanwhile, many settlers had slighter religious commitments than Danes, as one clergyman learned in confronting folk along the coast who mocked that they had not come to the New World for religion. (选自2009年Text 4)

  分析: 该句是复合句,其中主干是many settlers had slighter religious commitments than Danes。 Danes 后省略了religious commitment,as one clergyman learned...是一个方式状语从句, who mocked...是一个修饰folk的定语从句,they had not come to the New World for religion是that引导的宾语从句,作mock的宾语。



